Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Pointstone MemOptimizer 3.03.80

Is your PC becoming increasingly slow and unstable? MemOptimizer™ monitors your system in the background and frees resources when these are required. The result is that your programs will run faster and be more stable than ever before!

  • Speed up your computer by managing your memory
  • Automatically recovers memory left by closed programs
  • Optimizes your memory in critical situations and prevents crashes
  • See exactly how much memory you have at all times

The Problem: Almost 100% of software programs contain "memory leaks". Over time these leaks cause less and less memory to be available on your PC.

The Symptoms: Slow Performance, Slow Web Browsing, Slow Startup Speed, Program Crashes, Computer Crashes, Data Loss and File Damage

The Solution: A high-performance memory manager than can recover memory leaks and restore performance and computer reliability.

more info @http://www.pointstone.com/products/MemOptimizer/
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