Monday, October 15, 2007

Handy Backup Server

What is Network Backup?

Network backup suggests that backup of data from multiple machines can be administered from central server over a network. It is the administrator who creates a backup task and not the user. In fact, the user may stay totally unaware that the data from his machine are being backed up as the backup task on his machine runs in a Windows service mode seamlessly in the background not interfering with the user's work.

Backup Network Architecture
There are three principal elements of the backup network: Server, Coordinator and Client.

Handy Backup Server is installed on the administrator's machine and has a graphical interface which allows creating backup, synchronization and restoration tasks.

Handy Backup Coordinator is installed on any machine on the network; however it must be seen by all Clients for proper functioning of distributed backup. Over equal intervals of time, Clients communicate with the Coordinator to confirm that they are accessible for backup.

Handy Backup Clients are installed on users' machines whose data need to be backed up. They run as Windows service and do not have a graphical interface. Handy Backup Clients allow Handy Backup Server to connect directly to the users' machines and back up data from those machines.

Handy Backup Server, Handy Backup Client and Handy Backup Coordinator are compatible with the following operating systems: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista.

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