Monday, October 1, 2007

Foxy 1.7.6

Foxy can modify web pages on the fly using its internal filters and external user-written programs, block access to undesirable resources, track users' online activity, generate traffic reports, forward requests to multiple proxies depending on the requested URL.

Core features
  • Proxies HTTP, FTP, and SSL protocols. Only HTTP traffic is filtered, FTP and SSL connections are tunneled without filtering (you don't want your secure data or FTP file downloads to be altered in any way). All traffic is recorded and reflected in traffic reports.
  • May run on the same machine as your browser or as a server serving multiple clients.
  • Features browser-based user interface; works with any browser running on any platform.
  • Supports both HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 (including persistent connection and chunked transfer).
  • User authentication and IP address allow/deny lists for users and administrators.
  • Can be used as a lightweigth HTTP server.
  • Multiple instances of available filter types can be created and individually configured.
  • Every filter may be configured for certain URL sets using wild cards and exception lists, can filter traffic of all or some users (or all users with a few exceptions), may be active only within certain time intervals and/or days of week.
Available filters can
  • Kill pop-up and pop-under windows preserving good pop-ups.
  • Remove script converting script links to regular links.
  • Remove cookies completely or convert them to session cookies.
  • Analyze content on the fly using user-defined dictionaries and block access to undesirable content (porn, hate, gambling, etc.)
  • Remove banners (by source, by size, width to height ratio) and tracking images (a.k.a. “web bugs”, “web beacons”).
  • De-animate annoying GIF animations.
  • Protect users' privacy by spoofing HTTP request headers (User-Agent, Referer, X-Forwarded-For, or any other header). Headers may be deleted or set to fixed or random values.
  • Optimize major search engines' search results pages for faster surfing and privacy protection by blocking click tracking mechanisms. Sponsored links may be optionally removed, too.
  • Block RedSheriff, WebsideStory, and other server-side spyware.
  • Fill in HTML forms automatically using static user-defined entries or automatic learning.
  • Filter content using external user-written programs or scripts. External filters may be written in any language.
  • Block HTTP downloads of Windows executables.
  • Define shortcuts for frequently visited URLs.
  • Grab media (images, sound, etc.) and save it in files
Reports in HTML format
  • Traffic reports grouped by domain (optionally stripped to second-level domain) and sorted by domain or traffic volume.
  • Hourly load analysis reports.
  • Any report may be generated for specified date ranges or relative date ranges like “last month” or “this year”.
  • Any report may be filtered by user or domain.
  • Can be chained with other proxies (for HTTP only).
  • Flexible mapping of sets of target domain names to sets of proxy servers.
  • Available proxy server is selected automatically.
Comprehensive logging
  • General log with configurable verbosity level.
  • HTTP log: logs original request headers, filtered request headers, response headers, filtered response headers.
  • Filter log: every filter logs short description of changes made to the original content.
  • Any of the three logs may be turned off.
  • Ten-level log file rotation with gzipping of old files.
more info @
Download: | Rapidshare |

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